When Life Hands You Rotten Bananas…

In general, I eat 3 fruits on most days of the week.  Normally, for ease of carrying to class and a little longer shelf life, I eat a lot of apples and bananas.  As my third fruit each day, I normally choose fresh berries, pineapple, or melon to add some variety.  Since I only like to go grocery shopping once a week, I buy the greenest bananas I can find.  That way, I have better odds of eating them before they go bad.  But I have to admit that part of me gets really excited when exactly 3 bananas go bad before I am able to eat them, because my banana bread recipe requires exactly 3 almost rotten bananas!

Both this week and last week, I ended up with 3 brown spotted bananas on my kitchen counter. (Why my summer internship is interfering with my fruit intake might need to be explored in a future blog…)  I actually decided to make them in to muffins this time instead of bread so I could eat one either as part of a quick grab-and-go breakfast or for a yummy mid-morning snack.  The chocolate chips I had laying around also proved a fun little addition.

Next time you find yourself in the same situation, just do an internet search to find a recipe that suits your taste and combines some baking staples you might already have in your cupboard!  Enjoy!!

One thought on “When Life Hands You Rotten Bananas…

  1. Brittany O. June 16, 2011 / 8:54 am

    Are you willing to share your awesome recipe with us?


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