The Science of Well-being

Remember, that wellness is not a constant state; it’s normal to have ups and downs. Research has lessons for us in how to help ourselves experience wellness more often:

Pursue Purpose: Find activities that you’re passionate about. Set goals that help you make meaning and bring fulfillment. 

Cultivate Gratitude: Reflect on the positive aspects of your life to boost well-being, and tell people about them. Express your joy and thanks to those around you to strengthen social bonds and expand the reach of your positive reflections. 

Build Strong Relationships: Invest time in building and maintaining relationships with friends and mentors. Deepen your connections by practicing active listening in conversations. 

Be Mindful: Techniques like meditation and deep breathing can reduce stress and increase well-being. Simply taking a pause every now and then to focus on the current moment can be immensely beneficial. 

Give Back: Helping others not only creates more of a community of care, but it also can boost your own happiness and provide a sense of purpose. Even small gestures of kindness can make a big difference in your mood. 

Nurture Resilience: Develop a growth mindset – “I can’t do that…yet.” You have the ability to learn and adapt in the face of hardship. Reflect. Learn. Adapt. And keep going. 

Take Care of Your Physical Health: Prioritize getting enough sleep and movement – both can improve your mood. Eat yummy foods that nourish you. When your body feels good, your mind often follows.

Seek Help When Needed: Recognize signs of distress. If you’re experiencing persistent sadness, anxiety, or other negative emotions, seek support. Visit to find the support option that will fit you best. 

Use these strategies to enhance your and your community’s well-being – which will help you succeed and thrive while at Carolina.

Use these strategies to enhance your and your community’s well-being – which will help you succeed and thrive while at Carolina.

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